Signal Conditioners


Signal Converters

The IOSCON, DUALCON and SLIMCON range of signal converters are normally used as a solution to non matching transmitter outputs and system inputs. Signal converters can be used to convert multiple 4-20ma analogue input signals into a single or multiple isolated outputs
signal converters

Industrial Ethernet

 The E-100, E-PORT, ISO-SLICEE-BRIDGE, N-TRON and  CAN-PORT  Range of Input/Output Modules provide High Speed & Accurate way of routing analogue and digital signals (mA,mV,V,Contact, RS232 & RS485) through Ethernet networks and onto the internet. ASCI, Modbus and Modbus 485 RTU Protocols over Ethernet can be provided.
industrial ethernet

Wireless Systems and Sensors

The Z-TEMP, Z-PRESS, Z-RH and Z-LEVEL range of wireless pressure, temperature, level and humidity sensors and systems are based primarily on the Zigbee protocol and IEEE802.15.4 (wireless hardware standard). Wireless technology provides a saving on Installation costs (Capex) and reduced operating costs (Opex).
wireless systems sensors

Power Supplies

Our Power supplies normally convert ac Voltage (85- 264Vac)  to a stabilised and regulated dc Voltage (24Vdc). They are available with a range of power capabilities (10W, 15W, 24W, 30W and 240W). Typical applications are for powering multiple transmitter loops or as an auxiliary power supply for small control panels. All our devices are Isolated and provide short circuit protection.
industrial power supplies

Trip Amplifiers

The family of Trip Amplifiers available range from a single setpoint loop powered device to a powered dual setpoint unit with isolated re-transmission and an LED display of inputs and setpoints.
trip amplifier

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Signal Conditioners
Signal Converters
Industrial Ethernet
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Trip Amplifiers
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