Fuji Electric POD UG series HMI Touch Screen The POD UG series HMIs are "Programmable Operation Display" - touch screens that make your machines more attractive, and your system configuration more simple.
Equivalent Fuji Electric UG touch panels are available from us in the UK under the name of "Hakko Monitouch". If you are looking for a replacement screen, please note that the hardware is exactly the same. However the program on the Fuji unit has to be converted to work on the Hakko Monitouch unit. This conversion can be easily performed using the V-SFT software. For more information please contact us.
Hakko Monitouch direct replacements are available for all the Fuji Electric units, including (list non exhaustive):
UG30 series: UG630H - UG530H - UG430H - UG330H - UG230H Simple POD UG221 series: UG221H-** Handy POD: UG320HD |  |