9 to 18 Channels PHL Paperless Graphic Recorder

Fuji Paperless Graphic Recorder PHL


Fuji Electric Graphic Recorders (Paperless)

  • 5.7" TFT colour screen
  • 9 or 18 inputs, up to 30 data trends
  • Free configuration software
  • Easy to use, fast response
  • Programmable Units and Inputs (RTD, T/c, mA, and Vdc)
  • Internal Sampling time of 100ms
  • Up to ten Logical inputs (event markers)
  • Recording time from 1 to 32767 sec
  • Normal, event or timed operation
  • Average, minimum, maximum, instantaneous or peak value
  • Storage of recorded data limited only by scan rate and 2Gb compact flash
  • 2 alarms per channel with hysteresis and alarm delays as options
  • 3 relay logic outputs (option) for alarm copy.
  • Mathematical software module (option) with
  • 6 counters /integrators,
  • 1 to 6 mathematical functions and 6 logical functions.
  • Friendly editing of functions in formula format for configuration complex mathematical functions
  • 18 messages of 20 characters for configuration and can be displayed of internal or external events.
  • Ethernet and Ftp server to access data via the web
  • Communication Interfaces (option) RS485 - MODBUS®
  • Configuration from the keys or via setup software
  • Conversion of measurement data into spreadsheet formats

The main feature of the PHL Paperless Graphic Recorder is a 5.7" colour screen on which the measurement data are displayed vertically, as is the case with familiar chart recorders.

However, in contrast to conventional recorders, the PHL does not require a paper chart. Measurement data points are electronically stored and are available for evaluation both on site and on a PC.

The PHL can be equipped with 9 or 18 isolated measurement inputs, 6 counter/integrators, 6 mathematical and 6 logical channels. The instrument is programmable from the front panel or a PC .


The above information should only be used as a guide.

For further information, please download our datasheet.


Fuji PHL Paperless Recorder EDS10-75 (168 KB)

Instruction Manuals

PHL Instruction Manual TN2PHL-E (12027 KB)

Sales Brochures

Fuji PHL Paperless Recorder ECNO1013 (578 KB)

Price Lists

See also

3 to 6 Input Paperless Recorder

A Low cost unit, especially suitable if you need 6 input or less.
PHF Paperless Recorder

Large screen 9 to 36 Input Paperless Recorder

With a large 12" TFT colour screen, math functions and a large amount of input (up to 36) this unit is ideal of demanding applications.
PHU Paperless Recorder

Do you prefer the feeling of paper?

Check our complete range of paper chart recorders.
Chart Recorders

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