Forum : Temperature Control
2015-02-12 21:08:56
I have a type-J thermocouple hooked up to the controller. I am trying to adjust the PV offset, but it will not go higher than +87 F. I seem to have reached the 10%FS limit and I need 20 F more in order to have the proper PV reading.

Anybody knows how to change this FS value so I can increase my limit or is this an indication of something not right with the thermocouple ? (It is a brand new thermocouple)
2 posts
Status: Offline
PV Offset
Posted on: 12, Feb 2015 @ 21:08
I have a type-J thermocouple hooked up to the controller. I am trying to adjust the PV offset, but it will not go higher than +87 F. I seem to have reached the 10%FS limit and I need 20 F more in order to have the proper PV reading.

Anybody knows how to change this FS value so I can increase my limit or is this an indication of something not right with the thermocouple ? (It is a brand new thermocouple)
2015-02-12 21:15:59
I would like to add that my controller is a PXR9-RAY1-HV0A1.
2 posts
Status: Offline
PV Offset
Posted on: 12, Feb 2015 @ 21:15
I would like to add that my controller is a PXR9-RAY1-HV0A1.
2024-11-06 16:23:38
Ivan, Im sure we have already solved this for you. However for the wider public, if you have an error that is bigger than 20F, then I suggest that you change the input type in the controller (the factory default is type K). By changing this setting to Type J, your error should be removed.
Tech M
17 posts
Status: Offline
PV Offset
Posted on: 6, Nov 2024 @ 16:23
Ivan, Im sure we have already solved this for you. However for the wider public, if you have an error that is bigger than 20F, then I suggest that you change the input type in the controller (the factory default is type K). By changing this setting to Type J, your error should be removed.


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