Forum : Temperature Control
2013-07-18 05:11:03
could you please explain what is the meaning/function of parameters of the first block, second block and third block?
2 posts
Status: Offline
parameter block
Posted on: 18, Jul 2013 @ 05:11
could you please explain what is the meaning/function of parameters of the first block, second block and third block?
2013-07-18 10:35:23
Hi Mimi, the answer to this question is too long for this forum. I have arranged for one of our engineers to send you the full instruction manual for the Fuji Electric PXR range of temperature controllers. This will help you to understand step by step. If you are unsure about any particular parameter, I suggest that you set it to the factory default, which is shown in the manual.
Tech M
17 posts
Status: Offline
parameter block
Posted on: 18, Jul 2013 @ 10:35
Hi Mimi, the answer to this question is too long for this forum. I have arranged for one of our engineers to send you the full instruction manual for the Fuji Electric PXR range of temperature controllers. This will help you to understand step by step. If you are unsure about any particular parameter, I suggest that you set it to the factory default, which is shown in the manual.


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