Forum : Temperature Control
2013-07-17 06:21:25
How to appear display(digital no) at PV?
2 posts
Status: Offline
PV display
Posted on: 17, Jul 2013 @ 06:21
How to appear display(digital no) at PV?
2013-07-17 17:36:58
Dear Mimi,

To display a value in the PV section of the controller you will need to set up the controller to work with a temperature probe. As standard our PXR range of Fuji Electric controller are factory set for TypeK thermocouple for a temperature range of 0-400 Deg C. So connecting this type of probe to a controller and switching on the power should be all that is needed to show a PV (process) value in the display.

Again if we can be of further help, or can offer a detailed quotation, please send your enquiry to sales @
Tech M
17 posts
Status: Offline
PV display
Posted on: 17, Jul 2013 @ 17:36
Dear Mimi,

To display a value in the PV section of the controller you will need to set up the controller to work with a temperature probe. As standard our PXR range of Fuji Electric controller are factory set for TypeK thermocouple for a temperature range of 0-400 Deg C. So connecting this type of probe to a controller and switching on the power should be all that is needed to show a PV (process) value in the display.

Again if we can be of further help, or can offer a detailed quotation, please send your enquiry to sales @


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