We Understand that selecting a controller for your process can be simplified by understanding the features that are important to you. The following tabs allow you to browse our controllers by size or by the mounting method.

By Inputs


Single Loop

Low Cost Temperature Controllers PXE

Basic temperature control with entry level performance. The Fuji Electric PXE is ideal for limited temperature applications where limited features are required.


Standard Temperature Controllers PXR

Reliable temperature control with entry level performance. The Fuji Electric PXR is ideal for end users and OEM's who want great value and custom features.

pxr4 sub

Universal Input Process Controllers PXG

Fast response with ability to add digital inputs and outputs , standard PID, or Fuzzy logic control. We would recommend the PXG family of controllers. These provide a competitive solution to mid range applications and are available with custom front panels for OEM customers.
pxg process controller

High Performance Process Controllers PXH

Where applications are more demanding and require the processing of up to 3 inputs to be used in the control rational the PXH family of controllers would be our recommendation. This family provides fast processing times which are suitable for the control of pressure and flow applications.
pxh process controller

Easy - Universal Input Process Controllers PXF

Where you just need a quick and easy solution when you have a single temperature to control. Especially if you are building a simple machine and need to switches, buttons or lights to work with the controller in a way that reduces the need for wiring.  Also great for pressure, Level or flow control
pxh process controller


Multi Loop

Multi Input Back of Panel Controllers PUM

PUM series of controllers are suitable for back of panel mounting on DIN rail. The modular conception allow for cost saving and rapid development of control systems.
pum back panel process controller


Obsolete Fuji Controllers

Fuji Electric make it easy to upgrade to a new model. Check out our interactive equivalence table to see which model you need to replace your old controller.
Obsolete Fuji  controllers


If you are unsure which controller is right for you, our guide will help you getting the right unit
controllers guide

Comparison Table

 Compare the features of our range of controllers in one easy to read table.
(opens a new window)
controllers comparison

By Process



Fuji Electric Basic Temperature Controllers

Basic controllers like the PXR series of controllers are suitable for use with simple thermocouples or PT100 ( Type K,J,N,R, PT100) temperature probes. They can also provide switching of heater loads and provide alarm outputs. If cost is your main consideration and you would like a controller to be available for next day delivery from our stock, then we would recommend the PXR family of controllers.
pxr temperature controller

OMC Pnuematic Temperature Controllers

Pneumatic Temperature controllers like the Series80 or the Series350 use capilary bulb systems to measure temperature. They use single, two or thre term control ( P,PI, PID) to provide true modulatinng outputsi or 6-30 PsigPneumatic outputs. They are an excellent choice on both heating and cooling applications with both two port or 3 port control valves



By Cut Out Size

Why is Physical Size important when selection a controller for Pressure, Temperature, Level or Flow?

The physical size of the controller may be important to you where 

  • You are replacing an existing controller and have an exitsing panel cut out to match
  • A short format controller can reduces the overall depth of the control panel
  • A large bright display will make it easier to read from a distance 

Which ever of the above is important to you, we have a the right size of Fuji Electric controller to suit.

The industry tends to use DIN terminology to describe the size of the front face of panel mounted controllers. The following table provides an explanation of this terminology with dimensions shown in mm. For completeness we have also shown the Fuji Electric models that satisfy the DIN sizes.

Size Width x Height Panel Cut out size (W x H) Fuji Electric Models Length Behind the panel (mm)
1/32 DIN 48mm x 15mm 45mm x 22.2mm PXR3 97mm
1/16 DIN 48mm x48mm 45mm x 45mm PXR4PXG4 80mm
1/8 DIN 48mm x 96mm 45mm x 92mm PXR5PXG5 78mm
  72mm x 72mm 69mm x 69mm PXR7 78mm
1/4 DIN 96mm x 96mm 92mm x 92mm PXR9PXG9PXH9 78mm
  96mm x 192mm 92mm x 190mm CCM  

Physical size may also be important if you require a "behind the panel" controller that is mounted on a DIN rail. In this case Fuji Electric offer the PUM range of controllers.

By Feature


Many of the controllers on the market use lots of technical jargon when describing a controller. This doesn't make it easy to compare devices.  At Coulton we are committed to finding the most cost effective, long term solution to your controller needs and would be only too pleased to understand your application and explain any of the features before making a recommendation.


Fuji-PXE-ControllerFuji PXE for OEMs

The PXE Controller is a  very from very simple, low cost device, which is dedicated for temperature control.

 To universal input, software configurable, multi-loop controllers that are capable of controlling small areas of your process (CCM).

Basic controllers like the PXE controller (ideal for OEMs) or the PXR series of controllers are suitable for use with simple "Type k" thermocouples or PT100 temperature probes. They can also provide on/off switching of heater loads and provide alarm outputs. 

If cost is your main consideration and you would like a controller to be available for next day delivery from our stock, then we would recommend the PXR family of controllers as being the most suitable. If you are a machine builder and require reliability from a low cost unit then the Fuji PXE might be the best choice.

PXR Temperature Controller
PXG process controller
Where you have a process that requires fast response and you would like to be able to add some digital input and output switching, in addition to standard PID, or Fuzzy logic control. We would recommend the PXG family of controllers. These provide a competitive solution to mid range applications and are available with custom front panels for OEM customers.
Where applications are more demanding and require the processing of up to 3 inputs to be used in the control rational the PXH family of controllers would be our recommendation. This family provides fast processing times which are suitable for the control of pressure and flow applications. PXH process controller



Micro Programmable

Fuji TimeRY Micro Plc

       The Fuji Electric TimeRY brings together Logic, Timers and Power Relays in one unit.
timery programmable controller sub

By Mounting



Back of Panel Controllers Din Rail Mounted

PUM series of controllers are suitable for back of panel mounting on DIN rail. The modular conception allows for cost saving and rapid development of control systems.
pum back panel process controller

By Power Supply



Pneumatic Indicating Controllers

A complete range of low cost, ultra reliable pneumatic indicating controller/transmitters from OMC.
pneumatic indicating controllers




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